Just Keep Swimming

I have been gone…..for way to long…………..again……… but I’m still here. When I first started this journey a couple of years ago, I set some pretty unrealistic goals for myself. People always told me I should be a writer so of course I thought “Why not?”. I read books by the ton, by a variety of writers, some of them great and some not so much but if they could do it why not me. I had a billion great ideas….

So, I started writing and then followed that with creating a blog which then spread to adding a Twitter and Facebook account…. Add to that fact that I am unfortunately not independently wealthy, which requires I work a full -time job to feed my addictions (books and horses), some family health issues, loss of a dear friend to cancer, loss of several beloved pets, not one but two computer crashes and finally I completely scrapped the first book I started writing about half way through finishing it. Ugh.

Regardless of the numerous times I have had to hit the reset button on this book …… it IS still happening. I don’t expect it to be a best seller but I know I will sell at least one copy…..even if it’s to myself to prove that I could do it. (Make that two copies. My husband will be forced to buy one as well. Haha.)

I’ve said this before but to anyone else who is out there struggling to finish the next chapter, next paragraph or next sentence. You CAN do this! Be patient with yourself. To quote Dory (Saving Nemo -yes, you can watch kids movies without kids) “Just Keep Swimming”.

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